Children Courses

 5-year-olds- 16.00 – 17.15 -Hrs,  Tuesdays 
Beginners Pre-School on Wednesdays at 15.00-16.15 Hrs.

We believe in teaching our young learners the language first and then the words that make the language.

You will see that they understand their new language much before they start understanding the meaning of each word that makes the sentence- That’s the first positive step in language learning. The vocabulary and sentence construction come after.

It is only after this step that the young can proceed to the next level of  MAGIC when they actually follow the sound of the letters that make up their first book! They can — Read!

At our Centre, we talk to their little hearts first and then gradually progress to their visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, and analytical learning zones.

Tuesdays and Thursdays – 2024 Registrations open for Morning sessions from 9.30-10.45 am.

Early English -ab 4/5 Jährig bis 8/9 Jährig.
In our groups for young children, each lesson is tailored to the individuals within that group, according to their age and previous experience with English. Lessons are fun with the children learning through play. Each lesson is packed with a variety of activities like poems, songs, and rhymes designed to promote the children’s familiarity with the language and give them opportunities to use their new English skills while playing and working with other children. The children listen to stories act them out, and have fun with craft activities. All lessons are based on topics that are meaningful to the children such as the seasons, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the homes we live in. Some topics are based on stories and nursery rhymes from around the world such as Old MacDonald’s Farm and The Three Little Pigs.  A range of exciting learning resources are used and all materials that are required for the course are provided.

Occasional interactive mixed classes. Social skills that books cannot teach.

The children learn the language together in spite of their different age groups along with social skills and togetherness.
Courses :
Mondays at 16 Hrs – Registrations closed
Tuesdays at 16.00 Hrs – Registrations open
Wednesday- 13.30-School children Preliminary English Course -closed
Fridays Primary School course ( Grade 3 onwards)  – 15.30 until 16.45 – Registrations open- ( Children with prior knowledge ) 
Pre-School- Registering for 2024. ( From 16 Hrs until 17.15 hrs) 

Early English ab 8/10 Jährig- Introduction of Sounds, letters, and early reading and writing skills

The magic of gradual reading is introduced at this age. This is where  Letter land comes to life every week and we visit our ´Letter Friends´. Tie your seat belts and zoom into the world of games, worksheets, songs, and sounds.

Everyday English ab 12/13

English is not a new language anymore. The children here earn confidence in their new language. These courses are a wonderful support to the ongoing English lessons at school. The Let´s Go Series gives the children an insight into the basic grammar that builds the language

We do not always use books to learn. The children at our Centre learn a little bit more than just their language-They learn about friends and friendship- fun, laughter and togetherness.

Do not miss out on our Teenage and School Support programs with various books depending on standard classes or Cambridge Exam Preparation Courses. ( Englisch and Französisch Nachilfe für Schule-Alle Stufe.)

SCHOOL RULES: Please note that children can be in school 10 minutes before class even if teachers are in school. This is strictly preparation time for the teachers and children cannot be entertained. Please refrain from ringing in before that. Parents whose children need to wait in school prior to 10 minutes before class starts should speak to Riti before so that it can be arranged for a charge. Additionally please note that the school holds no responsibility for Children waiting or loitering outside school premises before class starts.

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